Posted by William Duke
on Aug 01, 2011
The Ducks swim Sunday the 4th! We all know we need to sell, remember meeting those scholarship kids?
Sales aside, we still need mroe volunteers for Race Day. So, if you haven't signed up for something, waddayawannado? I was asked by one helpful member last week ask if he could do duck feet. He was concerned that that group was closed.
NO! I am unaware of any portion of the Duck Race that doesn't need more volunteers. If you want to paint duck feet, grab your grubby garb and let's go!
By the Way, I want to give a shout out to my team captain - Curt Chambers. Curt "encouraged" me to hit the streets for the business blitz last week. We went a whole hour and sold over $200 worth of ducks. Even better, we did some PR and have a couple of people interested in Rotary; we're even bringing a potential new member to club on Tuesday! Can you believe it?