New Administration Committee
Posted by William Duke
on Jun 27, 2011
Saturday morning the 2011-2012 Rotary Board met at Sun Valley. We spent the morning identifying a shared vision for the board and the club. I was dubiously honored to be chosen as the 2011-2012 Administration committee chair. It sounded a little dry to me. I know everyone thinks I am always right, but this time I'm glad it was finally time for me to make a mistake.
I thought I had a pretty good idea of what the administration committee was responsible for. The secretary and Treasurer are part of administration. We have great representation there in Bob Stone and Christy McPherson, so I didn't figure that would amount to anything.
I also knew the bulletin and club website belonged to this committee. Given that I'm the club's token geek, I figured I could handle this. (Though all committees need to be responsible for content.)
I also knew that coordinating our lunch programs would fall under this committee. I'm actually excited about this. I think our meetings could be a lot more compelling, and I already have some ideas in this direction.
And that was it. I thought. But I wanted to dot my i's and cross my t's, so I downloaded the Administration Committee Manual from Rotary international. Boy, did I learn something exciting!
Did you know that the Administration committee is responsible for club fellowship? I thought that fell on the Membership committee. But from our meeting on Saturday, I saw a lot of ideas fall on that committee, so I don't think Davis will mind letting fellowship fall to Administration.
Fellowship was something that I focused on when I was club president, so I'm excited to get my hands on it again. Back then I founded a "casserole committee" to reach out to members in need. Mo Barry jumped at the chance to lead this group. Then, unfortunately, Mo got sick herself and the committee never got off the ground. Apparently it's never too late, because here I am with a chance to get it going again!
On Saturday we also talked about having some barbecue time this summer as a group. Those are definitely fellowship activities, so we'll be the party group.
I'm looking to make the Administration committee the most fun group in the club. If you're interesting joining up with all the other cool kids, just let me know. Space is limited and no curmudgeons will be allowed.