Election Results! Meet Your 2012-2013 Rotary Board
First and foremost, our President Elect for the 2012-2013 year will be Davis Hein. Davis has already spent the first part of this year as President Elect and is looking forward to his year at the helm. Thank you Davis for your service! We might need to check, but it's quite possible that Davis is our club's youngest President ever.
Our newly elected President Nominee will be president for the 2013-2014 Rotary year. After a distinguished Rotary career including many years of Duck Race involvement and 3 years on the board, Hailee Blomquist is stepping up for another 3 years. First as President Elect, then President, then follwed by a year as Past President. Thank you Hailee for your service!
Also elected last month after 3 years of presidential leadership is Josh Fields; I guess three years just weren't enough. Thank you Josh for your service!
And the new blood, fresh on the board comes Theresa Beahen-Lipman, Amy Federko, and Lisa Guinn. Thank you ladies for your service!
Finally, a board term is 3 years, so we have a few returning board members as well. Our current president, Mark Beelaert will return as Past President. Bob Stone, Christy McPherson, John Scherer, and myself are also back for more. Thank you everyone for your service!