Ducks Ducks Ducks
Posted by William Duke
on Aug 29, 2011
Why is everyone talking about the ducks so much? Oh yeah, the event is THIS SUNDAY!
I look forward to the Duck Race each year. Yeah, a fair amount of my time is spent holed up in my office with adoption papers and databases and spreadsheets. And my wife helps out. And she in unstinting with her frustration with indecipherable handwriting and crazy cash procedures, and no volunteers, and the last-minute nature of everything else. But that's not the point.
As I get older, ahem, gain experience, I am gathering a lot of acquaintances and a few good friends. Acquaintances seem like good people. They're nice, polite, funny, tell good stories, whatever it is that they do. In fact, if they weren't good people, why would I want to keep them on my radar? So mostly I collect acquaintances, and I enjoy all of them.
But then there are my friends. Why do some people move from my acquaintance list to my friend list? Are they better people? Prettier? Funnier? More kind? I don't think so. I tend to think the world's pretty flat that way. I think most people will do the right thing. but I KNOW I can trust my friends. I know this, because at some point they have come through for me, and vice versa. So, the difference, for me: a shared adversity overcome.
As John Wayne as it might sound, and I do love the Duke, a friend has your back. And you don't know it 'til they show it.
To bring this back on topic, I have made friends via the Duck Race. I have helped and been helped by people who show up early and stay late. People that, bellyache or not, do what needs doing until it's done. They don't leave when I need help, and they know I won't leave when they need help. And I count them my friends. And when the great deed is done, there is a celebration. Many come, but everyone knows who belongs there.
To really bring this full circle, I will, much to her embarrassment, bring it back to my wife. Ramona helps with all the data input. She helps with Race Day. She frets with me over the club's finances and morale. She's with me every step of the way. And I never doubt my very best friend. And that's why I keep wheedling her into the Duck Race every year. It's a nice reminder.