on Dec 17, 2014
Will Duke and Amy Federko recently volunteered and participated in an exciting program offered in Blaine County School District called CHOICES. It first involved intense training both at home and in the school. Then, for two days, Will and Amy, along with other community members, offered an interactive decision making workshop that empowers teens to achieve academic success in pursuit of their career and life aspirations. While in life, there are some things we do not have choices about - our eye color, our birth order in our family, our height, our race, our born gender - most other things we do have an opportunity to make a choice about.
In two hour long sessions, Will and Amy and other volunteer adults took students through real world exercises on academic self-discipline, time and money management, and goal setting.
The teens learn quickly, that despite their current status in school, with work, with friendships, home life and so on - they do have many opportunities to make decisions and choices that will help their future.
A testimonial from the program. "Many students at high school feel that they cannot succeed in life. CHOICES shows them that their achievement in school has a direct relationship with their jobs after school and their future in general."