A Scoop of Inspiration Please.
Posted by William Duke
on Aug 15, 2011
My daughter and I went for a walk Saturday afternoon and ended up at Scoops Ice Cream Shoppe. Okay, maybe it was more of a destination than random happenstance, but it was a delicious treat nonetheless.
Scoops is an Olde Fashioned Experience. We were greeted by an affable young fellow named Nash.
Quick as a thought Nash deftly dealt out one large chocolate ice cream cone for my daughter. While she tucked-in to a mound of chocolate ice-cream nearly the size of her head, Nash set about preparing an ice cream sundae for yours truly.
Nash began with a glass "tulip" sundae cup. He coated this long-lost symbol of another time with a glistening patina of smooth creamy brown caramel. As the caramel settled down the sides of the cup a billowy pillow rose in the center. Into this cradle of perfection he gently laid the vanilla ice cream; a babe into its mother's arms. He covered this beautiful child with a warm chocolate blanket. Snuggled up under this cozy chocolate blanket the child dreamt of fluffy white clouds; whipped cream swirled just so, reaching into the heavens. The heavens would be void and desolate without the allure of the stars. what vanilla child could sleep beneath such desolation? Nash populated the heavens with the perfect smattering of crunchy nuts. In the end, as it must be, the northern star; a maraschino cherry delicately rested atop this divine experience.
Released from Nash's spell I turned to my daughter and discovered a significant portion of that mountain of chocolate decorating her beaming face.
This gift was given to me by a 14-year old volunteer at the Blaine County Senior Connection. Thank you Nash.